I love Daisys!

Here's How I'm Doing!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why did I get banded?

That is the question that I have been asking myself for the past few weeks.  I have not done jack as far as what I am supposed to be doing.  I am exactly where I was in January.  It is now August 1.  What the #$!! am I doing?  Obviously not much.  It's not like I'm just eating everything in sight but I am eating all the wrong things.  I have done nothing but eat slider foods for months.  Why?  It is so much easier, I don't cook, I'm lazy, all of the above.  Now, what am I going to do to stop this self destructive phase that I constantly find myself in?  What kind of life altering changes am I willing to make?  What am I going to do to change my life?  I do not have a clue.  I am so disorganized in my personal life that it is unbelievable, my professional life is organized that you would not recognize that they belong to the same person!  How do I change?  How do I get organized in my personal life, home and eating habits?  I think I need an assistant.  Any takers?

Monday, August 1, 2011

sTilL AliVe

I am still alive. I suck at blogging.  Got a new phone, Droidx2.  I am hoping that it will help keep me more connected. :)